Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rally To Save Coney Island's History Gathers Today

A citywide rally will form at City Hall this morning to help save what's left of Coney Island's history before Thor Equities destroys it forever.  Join Save Coney Island and the historic district council in support to get the remaining four buildings landmarked. The Henderson Building, the Coney Island Bank Building, the Shore Hotel, and the Grasshorn Building are all in the path of Thor's wrath.  If the New York Landmark Preservation doesn't line up these buildings for calendering.  The Shore Hotel and the Coney Island USA building (former Childs Building) were considered for landmark designation.

Save Coney Island press release states:
This Wednesday, May 12, at 10:00 A.M. Save Coney Island will be joining with other preservation-minded groups from across New York City at a citywide preservation rally at City Hall.

Please join us. This will be perfect opportunity to put Coney Island's preservation battle for in the citywide spotlight. We need you to make your voice heard.

WHAT:  Rally for Preservation
WHEN:  Wednesday, May 12th at 10am SHARP
WHERE:  City Hall Steps - 4,5,6, N or R Trains to City Hall.

For more information visit the Save Coney Island website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and
needs to be appreciated by everyone Rally Colin Mcrae