The Municipal Art Society (MAS) will be sponsering a free panel discussion with experts on the issues affecting Coney Island today. The meeting which will be held at MAS's Urban Center in Manhattan will be discusing ways to bring about a comprehensive planning process and economic development strategy for the future of Coney Island.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported:
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported:
“A panel of experts will consider how the many stakeholders can work together to safeguard the undeniable cultural heritage of this significant place.”, said MAS director,Kent Barwick.In addition to those from city government, the stakeholders include business owners, residents, artists, preservationists and developers.
It would be interesting to see what comes develops out of this panel discussion. The Municipal Art Society's website for the event gives out the folowing information:
People the world over have a nostalgic attraction to Coney Island. As the city and private developers embark on an extensive plan to remake “Sodom by the Sea,” the world’s playground is likely to change in unforeseen and permanent ways. Join the Municipal Art Society and Coney Island USA as a panels of experts explore the historical context, the scope of redevelopment and its impact.
Panelists include:
Lynn Kelly, President, CIDC
Dan Pisark, President, Coney Island History Project
John Krawchuk, Dir.Hist.Presrv., NYC Dpt. Park & Rec.
Aaron Beebe, Curator, Coney Island USA
Ari Shalam, Taconic Investment Partners
Stuart Pertz - Moderator
Seating is limited and reservations are encouraged.
RSVP to: rsvp@mas.org or 212-935-2075
Wednesday, June 6
at the Municipal Art Society
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
RSVP to: rsvp@mas.org or 212-935-2075
Wednesday, June 6
at the Municipal Art Society
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
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