Here are some of the features being presented at 7th Annual the Coney Isalnd Film Festival for the season of 2007.
See the full schedule of programs for the shorts and features.
The features:
Llik Your Idols

Angelique Bosio, Paris France
Documentary Feature

John Kinhart, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Documentary Feature
75 minutes
New York City Premiere!
90 minutes
7th Annual Coney Island Film Festival
Sunday, September 30, 2007
12pmSideshows by the Seashore3006 W.12th St. @ Surf Ave.
Tickets are $6.00 (cash only).
Tickets are available at the box officebeginning at 11:30 am. 3006 West 12th street off Surf Ave.Phone
718-372-5159.This program is kid friendly, suitable for