Friday, August 29, 2008
Coney Vid: Fred At Coney Island
Fred at Coney Island
FredBrownJr [YouTube]
Bollywood Skate Party At Dreamland

Bombay meets Hollywood kitsch extravaganza! Sway your hips to the Bollywood's upbeat disco beats and catchy musical films!!! Featuring a few fabulous spectacles of performance art from Cara Yeates' fascinating one woman multimedia show "Bye Bye Bombay" Cross-Cultural Fusion! Dance to DJ Tspoon's unique hybrid sound of east and west.
Bollywood Skate Party!!!
Lola Staar's Dreamland Roller Skating Rink
Friday Aug 29th, 7PM!!
$12 ($10 reduced) admission/ $5 Skate Rentals (or bring your own)
Dress in Bollywood glitz attire - colorful saris, bindis and patterns
for reduced price admission!!
All Ages!!
Saturday Night Fever Heats Up At Dreamland

Boogie to the disco classics of Saturday Night Fever and more!
Get ready for Roxy's fantastic DJ Julio to set your polyester skate moves on fire with his disco lovin' stayin' alive tunes!
Relive the fever with the screening of Saturday Night Fever movie throughout the night while you roller skate!!
Saturday Night Fever
Lola Staar's Dreamland Roller Skating Rink
$14 admission ($12 if you dress in disco glitz attire)
$5 Skate Rentals!!
21 and over!!
Freakaluja! More Progress At Coney Museum

The roof went up on the bathroom this week. It's one of the last major pieces of the puzzle. From here, we go on to getting all the light fixtures up and working on all the tiny details. But this marks the moment when we can actually start thinking about the place as close to done!!
The main hanging light grid will go in on Monday or Tuesday, but today we've got some really beautiful detail lighting.
New Improved 'Last Summer' At The Sideshow

Open Wednesdays thru FridayWelcome, friends, to the all new and improved last summer of Coney Island!! The Sequel, for your entertainment!
Come on down this summer and witness the theatrical experience that started it all. It's a tradition that can't be stopped! Thrill to the secrets of the last 10-in-1 circus sideshow in the nation!
weather permitting!
Saturday and Sunday, 1pm-9pm,
Monday, Labor Day, 1pm-9pm
weather permitting!
$7.50 for adults, $5 for children under 12
at Sideshows by the Seashore Corner of Surf and West 12th Street
Coney Island
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Never Ending Waits For Those Nathan Dogs
Maybe we need more of those hot dog vending machines for the quick fix.Lines at Nathan's are something else entirely. There are multiple queues, and you never seem to pick the right one. Some are long, and some are short. They are all inefficient. The view is unremarkable at best (a dirty and shuttered Surf Avenue) and unpleasant at worst (a shirtless guy's sweaty back). And in the end, you get a nothing-special hot dog that costs $3.25.
First mistake: Getting in the shortest line on the side of the building that faces Stillwell Avenue. It's apparently for drinks only. A sign stating as much would be nice. For a lobster sandwich (it's not so much a roll, as it's served on a sesame-seed burger bun), we were pointed vaguely "over there."
Second mistake: Standing in line with the girlfriend for 15 minutes before realizing the line we were in only handled the seafood orders. I would have to go to the west wing of the building to queue up for a dog.
Third mistake: Picking the shortest line. It was short for a reason. Because all the smart people had funneled to lines that actually moved.
You can follow the discussion on the Coney Island USA message board.
Image courtesy of Chrysophylax (
Old Memories From The Coney Island Houses
I have so many memories... where do I begin. How about all of us riding the Surf Ave bus to Nostrand Ave, headed to Jahn's for the kitchen sink? Playing Johnny on the Pony against the red brick house in the Big Park, or the make-out sessions in Jodie's house, with her parents sound asleep in the next room LOL. Joey, you having a crush on my mom and I remember that you used to blush so bad every time you saw her! Hanging out sometimes at the "Spot" in Sea Gate, Tuesday night fireworks, pizza at Larry and Vinny's, or the knish place. The back room at Nathan's. Oh my gosh, I could go on and on. If only we could go back to those days...Garguilo's. Do you all remember when we were cheerleaders at the "Y" for the basketball games, the outfits, learning the cheers? Oh my gosh...come on guys, let's hear some more memories. - Audrey Blackburn

Howie Gresh working at the Nathan's corn stand 1969.
Photo by Charlie Denson.

Larry Rosenblum and Holly Stern on the Boardwalk 1968.
Photo by Charlie Denson.
"Little Fugitive" 2006 Screens At Coney Island Film Society

LITTLE FUGITIVE is a contemporary re-imagining of the beloved 1953 classic originally directed by Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin and Ray Ashley, and is an homage to Coney Island and its history.
Following the screening of LITTLE FUGITIVE, Joanna Lipper will be joined by moderator, Kevin Baker, author of Dreamland, Brooklyn Borough historian, Ron Schweiger and Dick Zigun, the founder of the Coney Island Circus Sideshow and head of Coney Island USA (also known to many as the "Mayor of Coney Island") for a panel discussion about the amusement Park as it appears in the film during two eras: the 21st century and the early 20th century in the film’s archival sequences.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
2008 Coney Island Film Festival Official Selections Announced

8th Annual Coney Island Film Festival
September 26-28, 2008
at Sideshows By The Seashore
and The Coney Island Museum
in the historic Brooklyn neighborhood Coney Island, New York!
Custom Skate Airbrushing at Dreamland!!

Just bring your skates to Dreamland on Saturday Aug 30th between 3PM and 6PM and watch your roller skates transform into a Skate-a-licious work of art!!Designs starting at $10!
Learn To Skate The Lola Way

From Fabulous Dreamland Events:
SKATE CLASSES!! BEGINNING THIS WEEK!! Learn to skate from the exuberant and fabulous !! You will learn to master the basic skate skills of: stopping, turning (numerous variations), skating backwards, and couples skating.
All this and more for just $20 ($5 skate rentals or bring your own!)
Just send an email to to reserve your spot today!!
More Waterboarding Media Thrills
"Waterboard Thrill Ride" - New York Post
NYPost [YouTube]
A controversial 'attraction' - 25 Aug 2008
AlJazeeraEnglish [YouTube]
Online Coney Date Turns Deadly

Daniel Brandt, 24, who worked at an Infiniti auto dealership, thought he was going to meet the new girlfriend at the Sea Rise apartment complex there. Instead, he was confronted by two armed men around 1 a.m., police said.
"He had been in a conversation with a woman and he was going to meet her," a police source said. "He thought he was hooking up with the female."
The source said Brandt was lured up to the fourth floor of the tower, where the gunmen robbed him of his cash and other property then shot him once in the head.
Brooklyn man makes date, meets a bullet after being lured to his death [NY Daily News]
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Finally, The Coney Movie We Didn't Know We Were All Waiting For
Save Coney Island Movie Film Trailer
SaveConeyIslandMovie [YouTube]
Coney Events: Neighborhood Walking Tour Series: Coney Island
This could be the final season for the famous and infamous "Coney Island" as we know it. Join us for a look at the "Nickel Empire," when five cents took you to a whole new world. Bring water and wear comfortable walking shoes. The tour will last approximately two hours.
Neighborhood Walking Tour Series: Coney Island
Sunday, September 7, 2008
10:00 a.m.
Location: Coney Island Beach & Boardwalk
Meet at the Boardwalk in front of the parachute jump.Brooklyn
Monday, August 25, 2008
'Freak Accident' At Shoot The Freak
Coney RetrObooth: Manhattan Beach Hotel
August Corbin, a rich banker acquired title to the Manhattan Beach Hotel. It was built on the far eastern shore of Coney Island. Architect J. Pickering Putnam set its nearly 700 feet long front with its covered verandas and acres of manicured lawns facing the sea. It was considered the most elegant and fashionable hotel in the United States. It featured 258 lavish rooms, restaurants, ballroom and shops. When Ulysses S. Grant delivered the dedication speech for the hotel's grand opening on July 4, 1877 the event and the free fireworks show drew such huge crowds that it overwhelmed Corbin's railroad. And those who once thought that Corbin overpaid for the land changed their minds and pitied Littlejohn for selling so cheap.
Original photo courtesy of George Eastman House (
Eye On Coney: Stillwell Station Bank Gets Vintage

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Coney Vid: Torando Roller Coaster
swampfoxer [YouTube]
Friday, August 22, 2008
Coney Events: Love Boat Party At Dreamland Roller Rink

Love Boat Skate Party!!!
Friday Aug 22nd
$12 ($10 reduced)
$5 Skate Rentals (or bring your own)
Dress in Naughty-cal attire for reduced price admission!
All Ages!
Coney Events: Ziggy Stardust Skate Party

Dress in Bowie Glam for reduced admission!
Ziggy Stardust Skate Party
Saturday, August 23rd 2008
$14 admission ($12 Reduced)
$5 Skate Rentals
21 and over
"Ugly Betty" Goes To Coney Island
Thursday, August 21, 2008
KISS Rock Group Saves Coney Island...or rather...Phanton Park.
KISS Comes to Coney Island
Coney Waterboarding Thrill Ride Turns Real
The Gothamist reports:
The artist behind that animatronic Waterboard Thrill Ride on Coney Island finally fulfilled his dream of making the simulation a reality last Friday night. A professional interrogator, Mike Ritz, wearing a black ski mask, black fatigues and combat boots, waterboarded Steve Powers and three lawyers for a small audience of invited guests (photo after the jump). Art Forum reports: "Ritz then stuffed a large black rag into Powers’s mouth, held the artist’s nose with one hand, and poured a steady flow of water onto the rag like a frat boy pours a pitcher of beer. After about eight seconds, Powers began to twitch and jerk on the table, and Ritz quickly removed the rag. Dazed and flushed, the artist was led out of the room... The woman, an assistant state attorney general, seemed to last the longest."
Waterboard Thrill Ride on Coney Island Gets Real [Gothamist]
"Little Fugitive" 2006 Screening At Coney Island Film Society

LITTLE FUGITIVE is a contemporary re-imagining of the beloved 1953 classic originally directed by Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin and Ray Ashley, and is an homage to Coney Island and its history.
Lipper's film portrays Coney Island today from a child's point of view and includes archival footage sequences narrated by Lenny, who, like Lipper, is fascinated by the park's history.
Following the screening of LITTLE FUGITIVE, Lipper will be joined by moderator, Kevin Baker, author of Dreamland, Brooklyn Borough historian, Ron Schweiger and Dick Zigun, the founder of the Coney Island Circus Sideshow and head of Coney Island USA (also known to many as the "Mayor of Coney Island") for a panel discussion about the amusement Park as it appears in the film during two eras: the 21st century and the early 20th century in the film’s archival sequences.
Coney Events: The Coney Island Hall Of Fame 2008 Induction Ceremoney

This year’s inductees: Granville T. Woods, Inventor, William Ward, Coney Pioneer, Woody Guthrie, Activist Songwriter, and Astroland Park
The Coney Island Hall Of Fame 2008 Induction Ceremoney
Thursday, August 28th 2008
12 Noon
at the Coney Island History Project History Center
located beneath the Cyclone Roller Coaster
1000 Surf Avenue (W. 10th Street)
Coney Island - Brooklyn
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Coney Events: All Points Coney

Lola Staar's Dreamland Roller Rink wil be hosting a fabulous day of FREE live music on the Boardwalk in front of our Roller Rink.
Bring a picnic basket and bask the sunshine on the beach as you listen to incredible music performed by Lola Staar's favorite New York City and Brooklyn bands!
All Points Coney
Saturday, August 23, 2008
On the Boardwalk in Front of Dreamland!
(21st Street and the Boardwalk)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
1st Annual Coney Beard & Moustache Competition
Donny Vomit in association with Coney Island USA presents:
The First Annual Coney Island Beard and Moustache Competition! All are welcome to enter the competition in the following categories: Best Beard Natural, Best Beard Styled, Best Moustache Natural, Best Sideburns, and Best All Around! Pre-Show and Registration begins at 7 PM at the Freak Bar! With live entertainment including: Razor Shaves with Michael Haar: Consorial Artist, come early and get a clean shave!…Awards and Variety Show at 10 PM in the Sideshow Theater. A unique show of NYC’s best bearded performers including: Donny Vomit, Master of Dementertainment and Sideshow Arts, Cowboy Chris McDaniel, NYC’s best Ropin’ and Whipin’ artist, Black Scorpion-the Bearded man with lobster hands, Nic Sin-the world’s smallest escape artist and MORE! Registration and cover to the show only $10, so come on down friends and be a part of Coney Island history! No beard is too small, no moustache is too long!
Coney Made Festival Vids: "Freak Dreams" & "I Wonder"

Freak Dreams
TheChrisShow [YouTube]
"I Wonder" Winner at the Coney Island Film Festival!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Coney Island's State Of Crime
Beach Hit Hard by Theft
August 6, 2008 by coneynews
During the three-week period ending July 13, the 60th precinct — which serves Coney Island, Brighton Beach and Bensonhurst — saw a 44.1 percent increase in grand larcenies and 17.8 increase in robberies, compared to the same period last year.
Most of the grand larcenies –– there were 24 of them in the second week of July alone — took place on the beach, precinct officials told The Coney Island News. The crime being reported most frequently was the theft of wallets, handbags and other valuables left unattended while their owners were taking a dip in the ocean.Police officials strongly encourage those visiting the beach to avoid becoming victims by making sure not to leave any valuable items left unattended on the sand, even for a short time.
The year to date has seen 7 percent rise of crime in general over last year. Robberies are up 7 percent and grand larcenies are up 8.5 percent, while felony assaults are up 17.9 percent.
Nearly a quarter of these felony assaults took place in the last two weeks of June.
At this time last year the precinct had just seen its first murder of the year, whereas in 2008 there had already been two. There have been seven rapes reported so far this year, whereas in 2007 there were seven for the whole year.
Still, murders and rapes in particular have fallen dramatically over the past two decades. The 60th precinct saw 21 murders and 52 rapes in 1990, 24 murders and 54 rapes in 1995, and 16 murders and 45 rapes in 1998. Last year, the precinct saw four murders and seven rapes.
Coney Island is dramatically safer than it was in years past. At the end of 2007, crime in general was down 18.16 percent from 2001, 46.38 percent from 1998, 58.92 percent from 1995 and 75.87 percent from 1995.
The Coney Island News was going to launch in July, 2008 as a bi-weekly newspaper serving the greater Coney Island area. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, however, the paper was never published. - Ben Nadler
Friday, August 15, 2008
Coney Vid: "Little Fugitive" 2006 Remake Trailer

Little Fugitive - Trailer
SeaWallEntertainment [YouTube]
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Coney Made Festival Vids: "Eternal Flame" Music Video

Some more of last year's Coney Island 2007 Festival vids coming up.
Eternal Flame

ETERNAL FLAME has screened at dozens of film festivals worldwide and is currently airing on MTV Europe.
Directed by Student Academy Award nominated filmmaker Leah Meyerhoff.
Posted by leahmeyerhoff [YouTube]
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Disney Castle Comes Coney...Thor Inflatable Style
Coney Events: Dreamland's Purple Rain Skate Party

The Roxy's Fabulous DJ Julio will spin you into purple roller skating heaven with a rainfall of songs from Prince and his hairspray doused 80s Contemporaries as Purple Rain plays on the big screen!
Dress in Prince Inspired 80s Glam for reduced admission! Purple Satin! White Ruffles! Silver spa rkle! Fishnets!! Work it!!!!
Purple Rain Skate Party!!
This Saturday, Aug 16th! 7PM
$14 admission ($12 Reduced)
$5 Skate Rentals!!
21 and over
Sunday, August 10, 2008
CNN Report On Coney Waterboarding Attraction
Coney Island exhibits animatronic waterboarding - Jeanne moos
subscribe2me4more [YouTube]
Friday, August 08, 2008
Traditional Coney Sideshow For Modern Times

click image to see behind the scenes shot (courtesy of Reuters)

In interrupting a day at the beach with scenes of the United States government’s rougher practices, Mr. Powers is being deliberately provocative. “What’s more obscene,” he asks, “the official position that waterboarding is not torture, or our official position that it’s a thrill ride?”
Sure, a bit on the macabre side for a family attraction but this is Coney Island. And these are the kinds of bizarre oddities and alternative way of thinking that Coney has been always about. Not to say that Coney is about displaying negative emotions - on the contrary. But creative work and fun small time attractions from artistic and passionate individuals is what has always made up that Coney character around here.
Guantanamo theme at NY Coney Island sideshow [New York Newsday]
Gitmo theme for Coney Island sideshow [The Seattle times]
Step Right Up to The 'Waterboard Thrill Ride' at Coney Island [Fox News]
Waterboard Thrill Ride Makes a Splash at Coney Island [Gothamist]
Surf’s Up: Go Waterboarding in Coney Island [Gowanus Lounge]
Animatronic waterboarding exhibit at Coney Island [Boing Boing]
Thor's 'Summer Of Hope' Full Of Hot Air

Image by Capt Nemo (Coney Island USA message board)
Now Thor is trying to capitalize on popular children’s characters. If they had half that imagination they would use them as a come-on to more interesting things like The Waterboarding thrill ride by Steve Powers. A sideshow instillation that is much more in tune with the Coney character of today. Power’s come-one gives us Sponge Bob saying “I don't Gitmo better”
Photo by AnimalNY (click image to enlarge)
If a temporary inflatable kiddie park is what Thor wants to bring for the remainder of the season they should shop around for more interesting inflatable attractions like this inflatable roller coater. It even bestows one full loop. Okay don't get all excited, this is looks to be some sort of obstacle course, not a real roller coaster.

You can follow the discussion on the Coney Island USA message board.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
The New Coney News Source Is Dead In The Water
This sad decision was forced due to unfortunate external circumstances outside of his or my control. Needless to say, I am quite disappointed, both for myself, and for the community, which deserved such a newspaper. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to speak with me,
and help me with the paper.
The paper planned to reach a readership of 50,000 throughout all of South Brooklyn including: Coney Island, Sheepshead Bay, Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Coney Island, Sea Gate, and Gravesend. They were to be placed in high-traffic street boxes, banks, convenience stores, restaurants, gas stations and other public locations with high traffic volume. The publishers also planned to produce high quality news content for their readership with excellent opportunities for advertisers to reach all of South Brooklyn. The publication would have also contained wonderful resources for the all of Coney Island like: Classifieds, Sports, Business, Opinions, Obituaries, and lifestyle as well as some world and national news and entertainment.
However, some of the articles already written will be posted here on Kinetic Carnival. As Nadler stated, some aspects of the articles may already be somewhat dated, but he feels they are still of interest to the Coney Island community.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Coney Events: Free Kilsy Concert At Astroland

FREE Kilsy Concert @ Astroland
Friday, August, 8th
8:30 pm
in Coney Island
1000 Surf Avenue (btw 10th St & Jones Walk)
Fabulous fireworks display at end of show!
Kilsy After Party at Lola Staar's
Dreamland Roller Rink
3052 West 21st St and the Boardwalk
in Coney Island
Roller Skate to 80's New Wave Roller Skate Classics
Kilsy fans receive half price admission!
Rent skates or bring your own!
Admission $10 ($5 for Kilsy fans), $5 skate rentals
Roll Into The 80's At Dreamland
From Dreamland Roller Rink:
Live out your 80s Flashdance dreams in Roller Skates at Dreamland this Saturday Aug 9th. The film Flashdance, shown on the big screen, will inspire you to put on the ritz, bust a move, and get jiggy on the rink floor like nobody's business!!!
DJ MomoTaro will be spinning Roller Dance Classics from the Neon Flashdance Era! Dress in Flashdance 80s fabulous attire for reduced admission! Feathered hair, blue eyeshadow, leg warmers, dance gear, roller skates... bring it on!!!!!
$12 admission ($10 Reduced)
$5 Skate Rentals!!
21 and over
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Coney Vid: Some Coney Island Memories
Documentary - Coney Island
Forgo Nathan's Long Lines For Hot Dog Vending Machines?
The New York Times reports:
The vending machines are called Hot Nosh 24/6. “To make it a little Jewish sounding we called it nosh, and we added the 24/6 to give a little cuteness to it,” said Doron Fetman, who with his partner, Alan Cohnen, created Kosher Vending Industries.
Thor Equities Site Disappears
Monday, August 04, 2008
Ticket To Nothing At Coney Island
Now, upon seeing the empty dirt lot once again, we hope Thor Equities at least lay down some asphalt on that filthy ground for their next temporary come-and-go, every-where-else carnival attraction(s).