From the Coney Isand USA announcement:
Coney Island – The 27th Annual MERMAID PARADE will step off at 2 PM on Saturday, June 20th 2009, incorporating several major changes that will guarantee that America’s largest “art parade” also goes down in history as the biggest parade ever in the 168 summer seasons of legendary Coney Island! Coney Island is indeed open and the Mermaid Parade is alive and well.
At 6:30 PM a special performance of Ringling Brother’s and Barnum and Bailey’s “THE CONEY ISLAND BOOM A RING" circus will feature parade founder, Dick Zigun, as guest ringmaster. Finally, the Mermaid Parade Ball will take place at the Dreamland Skating Rink on the Boardwalk at West 21st Street with sessions at 5:30 to 8:30 or 9 PM to Midnight.
*Immediately after the monster truck spectacular, the parade will step off at West 21st and Surf and march east down Surf Avenue; past the Judge’s Review Stand at West 12th Street then turn up West 10th Street (near the world famous Cyclone Roller Coaster) to the Boardwalk where the parade will continue West on then Boardwalk itself to the dismissal point at West 15th Street.
For more information on floats and marchers see the Parade's site here.
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