While NY City Planner's Brooklyn Office director, Purnima Kapur, says she's devoted to Brooklyn residents and has their interest in mind in terms of the Coney Island's redevelopment, she fails to recognize that most of Coney Island denizens are opposed to their revised plans when it comes to diminishing the amusement area to a mere nine acres in which she says will include rides. What will this small 'amusement' area really be composed of other than small rides that could fit there?
New York Daily News writes:
"It's gritty, it's kitschy, it's not Disney, it's got its Brooklyn identity and we don't want to lose that," she says, her dark hair and eyes shining.
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"Developers are looking at the bottom line, and my job is to make sure the public interest is protected."
The small people of yesteryear who came to Coney Island with dreams to make things happen and devote themselves to Coney Island through dedication and determination are not be found in today's world. Or are they? Coney Island needs those kinds of people to keep that spirit of individuality that has characterized it throughout its long history, alive. Is it really impossible? Are they really not around any more? Not true. There is one. And here name is Lola Staar!
City planner keeps Brooklyn's public interest in mind [NY Daily News]
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