Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ferry Plan Gets A Boost

City Council President Christine Quinn's recent call for mass transit ferry service has received an endorsement from The Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance. Considering that the MWA is broad umbrella organization made up of 323 civic organizations, this is a pretty important endorsement.

As The Brooklyn Daily Eagle explains, Coney Island could be one of the first neighborhoods to benefit from such a plan: "Development plans for Coney Island, as up-in-the-air as they may be, have also given rise to calls for resumption of ferries from Manhattan, which last ran in the early 1950s."

In their statement, the MWA also made several recommendations on how the ferry service should operate. The recommendations centered around three main issues, namely that the ferries be run in a way which minimizes environmental impact, that the ferries be economically competitive with other forms of mass transportation, and the ferries be integrated with land based public transportation.

In their statement, the MWA also made several recommendations on how the ferry service should operate. The recommendations centered around three main issues, namely that the ferries be run in a way which minimizes environmental impact, that the ferries be economically competitive with other forms of mass transportation, and the ferries be integrated with land based public transportation.

- post by Ben Nadler

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