Thor Equities will be hosting a "warming-up gathering" after the event which will be free to all pledged swimmers. Guests will receive a free beach towel as well as hot soups, snacks, and beverages.
Nice cause but sad to see that you've aligned yourselves with Thor Equities. Never thought that I'd see the day when this club would be involved in an event with Thor. Makes your speeches at the save Coney rally deemed meaningless. Shame on the Polar Bear Club.
If Thor wants to sponsor an event with a donation that includes financial, as well as physical, gifts - an event whose focus is a camp for terminally ill children - I say, let 'em. This event does not benefit the Polar Bear Club - the money goes to Camp Sunshine. So, if anyone wants to bitch, then bitch to the children's camp.
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When "polarbearchief" announced the fundraiser in another post he never said isn't this great Thor is our sponsor. He never mentioned Thor at all. That's odd cause he posted isn't it great Carol Albert and Astroland and the Surf and Turf Restaurant are supporting the Club and the event. I don't see Astroland's or Surf and Turf's names or logos on the freezinforareason website alongside Thor's. Did Thor’s PR ask for the logo? Is it because Thor is making a bigger contribution and also sponsoring the "warming up" gathering with free food and towels for the swimmers? Personally I would not use a towel from the enemy Thor or eat their free food. I would not take their money even for a charitable cause. When politicians like Recchia had something nice to say about Thor, people said he’s in Thor's pocket. The same thing for organizations. If they accept contributions and work in partnership with Thor they lose their independence. They may feel an obligation to believe and speak the Thor PR line.
"polarbearchief" said in the post he "trusts" Thor's PR lady and anyhow Thor no longer plans to build condos. BWAHAHAH The chief is fooling himself. He doesn’t realize his club has been "co-opted." Thor will send a video crew to film the event and put it on youtube to publicize "the future of coney" the way Thor did with their Mermaid Parade PR film. Thor is not supporting these events out of the goodness of his mega-developer’s heart. It is part of the larger plan. Thor will try to leverage his community partnerships into support from the community board for his plans. Oh you betcha there are condos in the plan. Polar Bear New Years Swim and the Astella-Thor sponsored Halloween Parade, Thor is using you.
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