Monday, June 30, 2008

Lola Staar And Micro Celeb Friends On Coney Testimony

Here are the scoping testimonies of Lola Staar and friends (Some New York Celebs with some New York micro celebs) giving their 'Save Coney Island' testimonies while have having a splash at the "Dreamland" movie [movie?] premier somewhere outside of Coney Island, of course. Despite some Coney Island celeb fans (like Rosie Perez, and Drena Dinero) and a few micro celebs making their quick in-party-mode 'testimonies', Diana (Lola) introduced the video and reminded us of our chance to make our testimony in writing before June 11th.

Meanwhile, the usually peeved and bitter poster,
FixConey on the Coney Island message board has singled out Lola (Diana) Staar and the 'Save Coney Island' group as a sham for not showing up at the scoping meeting last Tuesday and instead was looking pretty rubbing shoulders with Manhattan's high society at the premier of her movie "Dreamland" (Where can we see the movie trailer?). In her defence one poster pointed out that Diana is not the exclusive representative of the "Save Coney" group. It also includes the Coney Island USA organization and some at the Coney Island History Project.

Follow the discussion on the Coney Island USA message board.

Scoping Testimonies from "Dreamland" Movie Premier

Public Scoping Hearing Testimonies broadcast from premier of Dreamland, a new documentary about Lola Staar's Dreamland Rollerrink. Special appearances by Rosie Perez, Angie Pontani, Dreena De Niro, Murray Hill and Lola Staar.

Posted by
SaveConeyIsl [YouTube]

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